Film and TV
- 'The Session,' telefilm, 2022, role: court clerk. directed by Saskia Diessing.
- 'Operation Smeltklaas,' film 2022, role: Mayor. 05:07-07:08 min, 24:56-25:21min
- 'Vlaflip,' in-house production, 2020, Lead.
- 'Getting used to it', 2019. Short film, Summerschool Filmmaking HvA. Lead.
- 'Talitioah,' 2019. Film, direction: Kaylee Meyer, supporting actor: Elesta
- '#Tagged' the series. KRO/NCRV. Directed by Martijn Winkler, role: manager.
- 'GRIP'. 48hfp, 2018. Directed by Jan Kees Looij, role: psychic.
- 'Vanitas'. 2018, film. direction: Lena Visser, role: woman.
- 'Revenge the Movie'. 2018, directed by Ivan Groenheijde, role: psychologist.
- 'Raped or not,' BNN/VARA , 2017, role: mother.
- 'Sorry for everything'. NPO1. , 2017, role: fortune teller.
- 'The Institute,' BNN/VARA, 2017. role: doctor 1 episode.
- '#Tagged' CRO/NCRV, 2017. Directed by Martijn Winkler/Vertov. role: mother.
- 'Circus Noël'. children's series AVRO/TROS, 2017, Afl. 10, guest appearance: reporter.
- 'Limbo the Movie', 2014. Maters Media. Directed by Frank Maters with Kees Boot (father) and Manuel Broekman (son), role: mother.
- 'Accused'. Season 2, 2014, fl. 67 In happy anticipation. Lead.
- 'Ghost Trees,' 2013 , Badass productions - role: psychic. .
- 'Someone at the door,' 2012 , Badass productions, role: mother.
- 'Behind Closed Doors'. Season 2, 2012 , episode 48 The lost father.
- 'The babysitting,' 2011 . Badass productions, role: mother.
- 'The Intruder,' 2010 . Badass productions, role: daughter.
- 'Fax Free,' Lead, 2023, humorous Campaign, directed by Rens van Weerdenburg
- CITO/inburgering exam, 2022.
- The civics exam, 2020. role: Junior teacher.
- CBRE/Creativ Labs, 2020. App promo.
- Evean Care Organization, 2020. direction: Steve Oen. role: home care worker.
- Video diary Anne Frank, 2020. role: Jewish French teacher.
- Stella bikes, 2019.
- 'ZNUFF,' Absurdistic scenes., 2018. Idea Nico Dijkshoorn. Directed by Philip Woldringh.
- AH Job Application Tool, 2018, application candidates. role: category manager
- Dr. Rath product video Vitamin D3 German market, 2017.
- Dr. Rath product video Vitamin B12 German Market, 2017
- NCOI, Look inside the class ,information video website, 2017.
- E-learning Drugstores., continuing education, 2017. role: druggist.
- Erasmus MC, 2017, Sharing is life saving. Oncology knowledge sharing. role: woman, lead.
- Report crime anonymously, Reporting Point M, 2014 - Campaign against forced prostitution.
- Critical Mass - Dialogue in the Neighborhood, 2011 role: woman
- HEMA 'Anti-leak underwear', 2024
- NS 'On my way', 2023, 00:32-00:34min
- DA, "Health Check., Lead, 2022, direction: Dennis Lubbers
- Basic Fit, 2022
- Douwe Egberts "Neighborhood Day., 2020 and 2021
- Lenor Unstoppables, 2017
- ANWB, The millionth, 2017, directed by Martijn Winkler
- KPN Business. flexible working, 2016. role: employee
- Railroad Museum 'Regal travel', 2010, 00:00-00:12min
- Maggie Smulpan, 2009
(Interactive) Theater
- Kings Day 2023, "Deft ladies of Hogelage tea and the unwritten book of wonderful fairy tales"; interactive children's theater. Concept, script and acting.
- 'There you go,' own caber performance, May 2023
- 'Excursion home,' Aug. 2022, International street theater festival Spoffin, Amersfoort.
- Poppen in 't Park, Amersfoort, 2008, "The distinguished ladies of the Randerbroekerbosthee and the unwritten book of wondrous fairy tales"; interactive children's theater. Concept, script and acting.
- Dolls in 't Park, Amersfoort, 2007, "Droomelfel": interactive guided meditation fairy tale for children. Concept, script and acting.
Collaborated on various projects in recent years including interactive games and custom theater projects.
Musical theater
- Jack the Ripper, Amersical Amersfoort, role: prostitute and ensemble
- Alladin, Amersical Amersfoort, role: Ghost
- Donkerlokje, Fairytale by Herman van Veen, Amersical Amersfoort, Role: Swamp Minister
Film direction/script
- 'Vlaflip' / 'Custardish,' 2020, Short. Story/writer/scripting/producer. Lead role: Zoë
- 'Lost,' 48h Rotterdam, 2019. Writer/director. Nominations: Best Actor, Best use of prop.
- 'Getting used to it', 2019, co-writer/co-producer. Short film Hva 'summer school project'.
- 'Disappeared,'/Undolly, 48h Amsterdam Cinekid, 2018. Writer/director. Awards: Best music, Best use of line, Best use of character. Nominations: Best Actress, Best Film. International awards: Best First-time Director, Best Short Family Film.
- E-learning Drugstores., continuing education druggists
- 2016 'Lekker In Je Vel', Pilot TV format animal program, own production, idea and elaboration.
- 2012 'The outfit' lifesyle program, pilot, Waterwood films. Directed and produced by Laurens Lamers.
Training Acting
- Police Netherlands, since 2023
- TGA, Triangular Group Academy, since 2023
- Grip5, 2019
- Rotterdam High School, 2011